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Il pregiato Farro monococco a 800 metri di altitudine (video)

The precious monococcus spelled at 800 meters above sea level (video)

We are in our field of the AMORETERRA supply chain where we grow the highly prized Einkorn Spelled.

Einkorn spelled is recognized as one of the oldest cereals cultivated by man. The peculiarity of the monococcus spelled concerns the ear, very small and with one rista, which is why it is also called small spelled; you can understand this by seeing the ear with your own eyes. The field shown in the video is dedicated to the AMORETERRA supply chain: one lot is empty, left to rest without any cultivation, in order to respect the natural cycle through the rotation of the land. Next year in that field seen in the video we will sow the new precious Einkorn Spelled.

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