Our project aimed at rediscover the ancient flavors of wheat, as well as, make an invaluable contribution to safeguarding biodiversity and at the resumption of natural evolution of the grain species.
The result obtained is an extraordinarily rich flour on a nutritional level.
A wheat born from tales in the supply chain
In one of the usual walks in the supply chain, Alexander there tells that the elders of the country always had exalted the flavors and aromas of wheat when they were young, they even knew recognize the variety that it was just grinding breathing the air of the mill.
This wealth of aromas and flavors is unknown to modern grains d was this the reason why Alexander has decided to devote himself to the cultivation of ancient grains.
It is from that story that we decided together to experiment with the aim of giving life to the project that we would later call "Light".
The first step was to define a series of suitable plots and able to take with them all the ancient varieties of soft wheat present on the farm. We decided to use an ancient technique for sowing, namely the "mixture", What is meant by this term you will ask.
Simply that the mixture of grains, which will make up our flour, will not be made after the harvest, but on the contrary, all varieties of ancient grains are sown (in due proportion) directly in the field.
This mode allows you to give ample space for nature so that it can hybridize and mutate naturally improving the species.
Cultivation Light and respect for nature
Interesting aspects of the "Farina Luce" project, (which also distinguishes our crops of ancient grains), is the absence of human intervention during the growth period.
Once sown we can say that we forget about the soil, AMORETERRA loves not intervene in any way and with no treatment, (not even with those authorized by the organic regulations).
Anyone can quite easily recognize a field that has not undergone any treatment, just look at the ground and if you see spontaneous herbs growing inside it, then it means that nature is free to work on the earth without any selection or impediment predefined by man.
9 is the magic number that creates the right blend for milling
After several years of tests we have arrived at the perfect mixing of grains, which led to the sowing in the same field of these types of ancient grains:
Gentil Rosso, Mentana, Verna, Marzuolo, Autonomy, Inalletable, Terminillo And Risciola, To which is added a variety of wheat that has "given" us nature autonomously, almost like a prize. We are talking about the very rare "Grain of the miracle", a spontaneous wheat that we also find mentioned in the Old Testament.
Wheat not overheated thanks to slow grinding
Once the harvest is done, we move on to another very delicate phase, the "milling".
We carry out the milling directly on the farm where we cultivate, that is Casa Minelli which has some at home stone mills, One of which dating back as far as 1800. This old mill uses a stone stone that is held at a speed of 60 revolutions per minute (against the 80-120 of normal stone milling).
It is a process that guarantees a non-overheated grain and therefore, that it keeps its organoleptic characteristics unaltered; in addition to this, there is another element in favor of a slow grinding, in fact it allows do not eliminate the precious wheat germ rich in vitamins and minerals.
Thus was born the exclusive FARINA LUCE®

You can find Luce products in the sections: PASTA | FLOURS | BAKERY PRODUCTS.
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Good light everyone!