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Studio clinico affronta il grano duro Senatore Cappelli

Clinical study deals with Senatore Cappelli durum wheat

Finally a clinical study proves the superiority of Senatore Cappelli wheat!
AMORETERRA, since its inception, has always dedicated all its attention to ancient grains and in particular to Senatore Cappelli, today this philosophical choice is supported by the result of the study carried out by the team of gastroenterologists of the Gemelli Polyclinic Foundation of Rome.

They conducted a search for compare the effects of the ancient variety of Cappelli durum wheat with those of standard commercial wheat.
What emerged from the sample of non-celiac patients with gluten sensitivity reveals that they are lower values were found on overall symptoms and, in particular, on gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms after eating Senatore Cappelli pasta.

Celiac Disease or Gluten Sensitivity

It is important to specify that patients with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity do not suffer from celiac disease, but still have rather annoying symptoms.
The positive side is that symptoms may improve after a gluten-free diet. However, we can say that, to date, it is still unclear whether only gluten or other components of wheat are responsible for these symptoms.

It is important to note that in Italy there are about 100,000 diagnosed celiacs, but there are at least another 500,000 who do not know they are. NCGS has an incidence 6 times higher than celiac disease, in fact, it would concern about 3 million Italyns and 6-7% of the world population.

 Senatore cappelli, grani antichi, basso contenuto di glutine

What does the research carried out on Senatore Cappelli consist of?

The object of the research was to consider symptoms such as: bloating, abdominal distension, belching, flatulence, sensation of incomplete evacuation, dermatitis and numbness of the limbs.

The focus of the research was the comparison of the effects of the Senatore Cappelli wheat variety, compared to those of a commercially available wheat product of Italyn origin and of other EU and non-EU countries and ground in Italy. He did this by making use of non-celiac subjects with gluten sensitivity.

The symptoms are partly overlapping with those more typically referred to celiac disease, or irritable bowel syndrome (abdominal swelling, drowsiness, diarrhea and / or constipation, colic, headache) and it is treated with a low gluten diet.

You can view the entire study at this link:

AMORETERRA, pasta di senatore cappelli, alta digiribilità

Why is it better to eat Senatore Cappelli pasta?

Why does a plate of Cappelli pasta disturb the intestine less? And above all, pasta with standard wheat could be "too"For our body ?.

Taking into consideration objective reasons, we can say that those that attest to the ancient variety of durum wheat stand out Hair, some decidedly more favorable nutritional characteristics compared to modern durum wheat pasta. Among these a higher fiber and micronutrient content.

The incidence of technological processes applied to standard grain of industrial type, including high refining, are elements that make products less digestible due to the loss of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Although it is a little over a century old, the Hats it is considered ancient wheat because widespread before the advent of modern grains low-stemmed, born to have higher yields, but which carry a higher gluten content.
Modern standard wheat is very different: more productive (up to 3 times as much as ancient grains), more convenient to harvest (low and straight ears) and very quick to process. However, can all this justify the loss of quality, properties and taste? We leave the answer to you.

What is certain is that Senatore Cappelli really is a different grain and out of the ordinary wheat, a strong but light grain for our intestines.

Good pasta at all.


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