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AmoreTerra, coltivazioni del grano Senatore Cappelli.

AMORETERRA, Senatore Cappelli wheat crops.

We want to take you through our photos to the places where we grow the wonderful and precious "Senatore Cappelli" wheat.

View of our crops in Basilicata, uncontaminated places away from busy and industrial areas.

Ours is a reality of an organic supply chain "always”, From the beginning we decided to cultivate our fields in uncontaminated places, away from roads and industrial concentrations, in places totally immersed in nature.

Our crops in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines 800 meters above sea level, we are totally immersed in nature, these uncontaminated places do not know busy and industrial areas.

Our passion, love And protection towards this ancient grain has been rewarded by the preliminary study carried out at A. Gemelli University Hospital where it is clearly demonstrated that patients with non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) experience gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms significantly lower after eating the Senatore Cappelli wheat variety than a standard commercial wheat.

Our crops in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines 800 meters above sea level

We grow everything in an organic way not using herbicides, additives or chemical fertilizers of any kind, the proof is also visible to the naked eye, in our fields you will find traces of herbs and other plants.

Our crops in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines 800 meters above sea level, the wheat will have to wait another 2 months before being harvested, spontaneous herbs visible.

This is a coexistence that is possible thanks to the height of the ancient grains which creates shadow on the ground avoiding the wild herbs to take over the wheat.

Alessandro, who has always been "total passion" for ancient grains, photo taken in the Senatore Cappelli field in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines

Michele, the "protection of biodiversity" is always in first place, photo taken during the harvest in Basilicata.


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