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Who we are

AMORETERRA Shop is a high quality organic shop, designed to help you complete your shopping with healthy and tasty products, made with the best raw materials and transformed with handcrafted and minimally invasive processes.

AMORETERRA products are born from the cultivation of own raw materials, ground in an artisan stone mill and skilfully worked by master pasta makers and pastry chefs.
The points that identify AMORETERRA:
Biological, because our health is too precious a commodity to be put at risk with a diet compromised by too many chemicals and because we must preserve nature if we want to guarantee a future for our planet.
Handcrafted, minimally invasive processes that allow to preserve the quality of the selected raw materials: In our product basket you will find, for example, stone-ground flours, artisanal pasta of the highest quality, baked goods prepared in small artisan workshops and much more.
Controlled supply chain from AMORETERRA, we personally know the farmers who cultivate and the artisans who carry out the processing phases of the products.
Simple and complete information on the packaging, also reported on the online product sheets, facilitating an informed choice and providing maximum transparency are the points we are committed to every day.
We are not the big industry that can boast of great resources for communication, word of mouth and the satisfaction of our customers are our main communication channel.

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