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Visita al mulino (video) - AmoreTerra shop

Visit to the mill (video)

We are faced with a miller who has been handed down old secrets. A old stone mill that turns and turns and turns always slowly, this is how our flours are born. In addition to the 7 main types of flour, we produce the exclusive "Farina Luce®", Taken from 9 ancient grains sown on the same field.

The main mill we have selected for the AMORETERRA supply chain is located in the Modena Apennines, near the wheat and cereal fields. It is a millstone a natural pebble stone, a fundamental element for us because modern reconstructed stones are mixed with substances such as ceramic and corundum (aluminum oxide) whose impact on health is not yet clear.

The element that differentiates us is the choice to keep the speed of the grinder below normal quality standards, in fact when it produces our flours, this mill rotates at 60 revolutions per minute (against the 80-120 of normal stone milling). This causes production to take place at a low temperature without denaturing the grain or cereal of its nutrients which are lost at higher temperatures. 

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