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Ami la frutta in vasetto? Ecco quale composta scegliere.

Do you love fruit in a jar? Here is which compote to choose.

AMORETERRA has chosen to produce the compotes to create a product that did not require the use of refined sugars (but only fruit sugars and grape sugar) and no added additives.

Our compotes reach up to 130g of fruit per 100g of product

What does this mean? To better explain the numbers mentioned above we report in this article a table that represents the differences between the various types of jams, marmalades and compotes.

Curiosities about compotes

Have you ever eaten strawberry jam? Certainly NOT, this is because it is not possible, in fact if we talk about jam we only mean the "marmalade". 

What does the legislation say about jams, marmalades and compotes

There is a European Union directive (for those wishing to read it is 2001/113 / EC) in which the definitions of marmalade and jams are provided. 
However, there is no mention in this directive regarding the characteristics ofa compote.

  • A marmalade it is obtained from water, sugar and citrus fruits for at least 20%, plus a series of additives;
  • A jam it is obtained from water, sugar and fruit for at least 35%, plus a series of additives;
  • A jam extra it is obtained from water, sugar and fruit for at least 45%, plus a series of additives.

We now propose a simple mirror that will surely be useful to do a little more clarity:


Minimum percentage Total sugars Permitted additives
Marmalade 20% Citrus fruits 45% 25
Jam 35% fruit 45% 25
Extra jam 45% fruit 45% 12
Composed 65% / 100% No added 4
100% / 130%
No added

What sets it apart the compotes is the application of Occam's razor, that is: there is no need to add what is not necessary.

If you are health conscious and want to choose the maximum amount of fruit and the minimum sugar content, choose the compotes and check that they are without pectin.

Important note about sugars:

Products that do not fall under the EU legislation must have a different name: for example "fruit compotes". Always according to the Chamber of Commerce only one compote can indicate on the label the quantity of fruit per 100g of product.

How do you recognize a good compote?

To recognize a good compound there are some elements to check.
Here are the two points to keep in mind:

  1. The amount of fruit contained in 100g of product.
  2. The packaging - the compotes must be packaged in a protective atmosphere (this guarantees a fairly long shelf life).

Pay attention to who uses and how they use the term "homemade". 
Compotes require that the air be removed from the pack and this must be replaced with a mixture of special gases. To do this you need specific machinery and consequently a dedicated and compliant processing laboratory.

If the above does not happen, and you have proof of it in the "grandmother's jams"or those prepared"handcrafted"(where they are filled with sugar), it means that everything is done in order to extend their conservation. On the other hand, these jams bring with them the problem of being"sugar bombs". 
It is therefore important choose the compotes and check that they are "without added sugar and without pectin".

We hope you were pleased to know this information and in closing we would like to tell you that we love to call our compotes "FRUIT".
Good fruit at all.

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1 comment

  • Buongiorno,
    Spiegazione esaudiente e interessante .

    Sarei però interessato sapere la PROVENIENZA della MATERIA PRIMA

    cordiali saluti


    Dario Rei

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